Monday, November 24, 2008


shxt i forgot i had one
got so caught up in (hint hint)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lil Boy Fresh Makes A Remix

Thats worst than the original

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lloyd Banks - Halloween Havoc - Full Mixtape


Obama Is NOT Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let me start this blog off by saying I voted for Obama. I am ecstatic that he won and extremely hopeful of America's future, more than ever.


I think some of y'all are acting like everything will be great now. Racism will go away. We're all going to have more money in our paychecks. We'll never have to worry about health care again. Wake up "Americans."

I hear people saying, "Now I'm finally proud to be American." That's pretty ignorant to me. Not even ignorant, more like idiotic. We'll see how proud you are when Obama makes a decision you don't agree with. Were you not proud when we were attacked on 9-11 and your first thought was..."Lets go to war! They cant come here and attack us like this!" People take for granted how much freedom we have here. Try doing half the things we do everyday here, in other countries. Try talking bad about the president there. They'll rape your mother and cut your tongue out. Go to China and try preaching about God to their military and wind up on the wrong side of a firing squad in the middle of town.

People that say they are only proud now, show to you that they have no loyalty. If you aint loyal to me during the bad times, I dont want you around during the good ones. That's my basic principle in life. I know struggle, but I dont cry about it. Not on the outside anyways. But I do know who around me now, was there when it was bad. Those are loyal people. And they have earned my loyalty as well.

This shows a new breed of what will become known as being an "AmeriSTAN". Someone who hops on the boat when it looks like the weather is beautiful, but jumps ship when a storm is approaching. Everyone cried about how this country sets you up for you can't get ahead because society hates Katrina was actually a conspiracy to destroy minorities and poor areas...but now?? Super Obama is here! He will stop all the wrong doing in America and everyone will be happy! Damn man, I wish that was the case, but unfortunately, its not and never will be.

I could never defend Bush. He has got to be one of the worst presidents we ever had. There were so many inside politics, corruptions and scams during his administration that he made people in America really dislike our government. He stained an already stained country. But what country DOESN'T have a messed up history?...countries full of scandals and people who hate their government....that's the WORLD.

Change, change and change.....the dictionary defines change as "to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone."

We need change in OUR lives. With our new president, we have a great opportunity to not only see our government change for the better, but ourselves as well. If we REALLY want to see this country change, we need to change our whole mentality on things NOW. Not yesterday...not tomorrow but NOW. We can't fix mistakes made in the past. All we can do is learn and prevent new ones from happening tomorrow. So now you have no excuses. Don't blame the president for your life being wrong. Right your wrong and take control of yourself.

I'm not trying to REIGN (pun intended) on the parade, but if we all REALLY want this to work out....change comes from within US....not who's in the White House.

In closing I want to say that I'm excited about the fresh face we have up in office and the new paths and opportunities that can possibly be open to our youth. It is this election that has ispired a generation and given hope to every single person in America that ANYTHING can be achieved through hard work and dedication. So congrats to our new direction and hope for the future...President Barack Obama!
